Press Office

SAES Getters: An Italian Excellence in Sustainable Innovation

The revolutionary packaging of SAES Coated Films is part of the MIMIT's exhibition: 'L'Italia dei Brevetti'.

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SAES Getters | img-per-post-sito

SAES Chemicals Among Top 10 Finalists at in-cosmetics Latin America 2024 with ZeoSAES™ Innovations!

SAES Chemicals is a top 10 finalist at in-cosmetics Latin America 2024! After the success of ZeoSAES™ UV Booster, we’re excited to spotlight ZeoSAES™ Soft Focus. Visit our booth in…


Top tech for your kitchen

"We are preparing for a future full of new challenges, focusing on solid technological and historical foundations. Our winning cards? Passion, people and open innovation." Ginevra della Porta, Chief Innovation…

SAES Getters | Partners

SAES joins the European flagship project TERRIFIC

On June 5th and 6th, the Novamont Headquarters and Research Center in Novara hosted the inaugural meeting for the European flagship project TERRIFIC, titled “NexT genERation circulaR bIo-based Flagship packagIng:…

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SAES for Bees

In celebration of World Bee Day, SAES Getters launched an initiative to promote biodiversity and sustainability by installing four beehives at its Lainate headquarters.

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Forbes Italy Under 30

"We are preparing for a future full of new challenges, focusing on solid technological and historical foundations. Our winning cards? Passion, people and open innovation." Ginevra della Porta, Chief Innovation…

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Interview with Ginevra della Porta

"We are preparing for a future full of new challenges, focusing on solid technological and historical foundations. Our winning cards? Passion, people and open innovation." Ginevra della Porta, Chief Innovation…

SAES Getters | cinel

Cinel for Elettra Synchrotron

On September 21st, 2022, Strumenti Scientifici Cinel S.r.l. signed a contract for the supply of a new turnkey imaging beamline, to be installed at Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste.

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Best wishes from FAI

SAES renews its support to FAI for 2022.

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“We study sustainable materials; our lacquer for green food packaging”.

Il Presidente Massimo della Porta racconta i progetti della società.

SAES Getters | venchi

Venchi and SAES Coated Films for active, sustainable and entirely recyclable packaging

Venchi's research to support the excellence of its chocolate also concerns olive oil and the development of an innovative active packaging.

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SAES contributes to FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano

The promotion and knowledge of our country and the push towards a more sensitive attitude to the environment are definitely founding principles of SAES way of thinking and action.

SAES Getters | zeolites

SAES Specialty Zeolites effective against Sars-Cov-2

A new development has been completely performed in Group Research SAES Labs to increases Saes contribution at the frontline of the fight against SARS-CoV-2.

SAES Getters | politecnico

Design and Technology: SAES and Politecnico di Milano

The results have demonstrated the hidden potential of the SMA technology, and how the integration of technology and design can fully express it.

SAES Getters | disinfection

SAES contribution to UVC disinfection technology – study on Sars-Cov-2 Virus

Saes is pleased to announce that a study carried out with the University of Siena has proved the effectiveness of the new PureFize® UVC technology in inactivating the SARS-CoV-2 virus,…

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100 italian entrepreneurs and managers chosen by Forbes

Forbes has included Massimo della Porta in the “100 Italian entrepreneurs and managers who are leading their businesses with the foresight of the great leaders".

SAES Getters | compostabile

E’ online, il nuovo progetto web che parla dell’innovazione Made in Italy portata sul mercato da SAES Coated Films, Novamont, TicinoPlast, Sacchital e il Flexible Packaging Hub di IMA…