Vacuum Chambers & Components
Since 2015, SAES offers the design and production of mechanical components for high and ultra/extreme high vacuum applications. This is the result of:
- long experience in supplying pumping systems in the high vacuum field
- understanding the requirements of users to get the pressure targets within constrained space
- designing customized solutions to enhance the users experience
The acquisition of SAES RIAL Vacuum and its expertise in the design of complex vacuum systems and the production of ultra-clean vacuum chambers and scientific instrumentation allowed SAES to be a reliable partner in the supply of complex systems with integrated pumping.
SAES takes care of the entire process
- Pre-evaluation of feasibility
- Design proposal with the aim of improving the vacuum system features
- Assistance in developing the automation in controlling the pumping solution
Main fields of application
- Dipole chambers
- Wiggler chambers
- Insertion devices
- Front end
- Collimators
- Aborbers
- Integrated vacuum system for high luminosity photocathodes electron sources
- BEC chamber for quantum computing
- Superconducting magnets